Muse Dash is one of the most colorful, vibrant, and unique rhythm games available today, and it's not only the obstacles and enemies that contain their own creative flare, but also the characters too, of which there are many to choose with all of them possessing their own abilities which can make a huge impact on the final score of a stage.
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These abilities can have drastic effects on the levels and can make grooving to those harder songs a whole lot easier and so much more enjoyable. PeroPero Games has made sure not to allow the early characters to lag behind in viability as new ones were added through DLC, but despite that, there are still undoubtedly a few who can rack up large combos much easier than others when used correctly.
Players should keep in mind that aside from the characters unlocked after the tutorial, and those included in the DLC packs, all others are unlocked through sheer luck since they will require specific items to become playable, which are awarded at random each time the player levels up.
8 Rin Christmas Gift

- How to unlock: Finish the tutorial (Can be gifted during the annual Christmas update)
While following the rhythm is quite easy in early stages such as Candyland, the more intense levels that appear from the mid-game onwards can be much trickier to get through with 100% accuracy, and messing up even a single combo can cost an achievement, and will drastically reduce the players ranking on the leaderboards.
For players who have nearly perfected a stage, and just need that little extra assistance to complete it fully, Rin with the Christmas Gift skin is the perfect choice as she can add up to 5% accuracy at the end of a stage, making each level much less stressful and easier to manage. She's not exactly a character players will want to use throughout their entire experience with the game, but she's still worth trying out to make easy work of the early stages.
7 Zombie Girl Buro

- How to unlock: Collect eight talismans by leveling up
Successfully completing any of the stages in Muse Dash on the Hard or Master difficulties is extremely challenging, even more so when trying to also earn some of the stage achievements that can net more EXP, primarily because of how much damage the enemies can deal.
This means one misstep can easily cause a dent in the character's HP which is already fairly small as it is, but Zombie Girl Buro doesn't need to worry about this as much since upon dying, she can actually enter "Dying Mode" for 15 seconds. During this period, she will remain invincible before springing back into action, making her one of the best choices when trying to reach the end of a frustrating stage.
6 Violinist Marija

- How to unlock: Complete the tutorial
"Miss judgments" is a feature within Muse Dash that forces the player to always be on their A-game in every level, otherwise, if they miss too many notes, it could cost them dearly by the end. Therefore, it essentially acts as a warning that the player can't keep missing their notes, but Violinist Marija can counteract this threat with her unique ability.
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When the player has a combo of less than 100, Miss Judgment will not interrupt their combo when playing as Violinist Marija. She is therefore incredibly useful not only for beginners who are getting accustomed to the rhythm of certain stages and who still want to earn rewards but also for those seeking to earn the incredibly challenging hidden trophy "One More Needed" which requires the player to achieve only a single Miss Judgment in a level 7 stage or higher.
5 Marija The Girl In Black

- How to unlock: Collect eight black bars with purple stripes by leveling up
Many players use this version of Marija to practice levels on higher stages, but even then, some will also use her to reach those high scores, or even for earning achievements which she can do extremely easily.
When using The Girl In Black version of Marija, each of the "Perfect", "Great", and "Pass" prompts will be lengthened, granting the player much more time to hit enemies and avoid barriers. She may not be able to multiply or add on any extra score like a lot of the other top-tier characters in Muse Dash, but this sophisticated rendition of Marija is still undoubtedly the best for completing most of the achievements, which in turn, can result in a load of extra EXP needed for unlocking new characters and items.
4 Bunny Girl Rin

- How to unlock: Collect eight black bow-ties by leveling up
Bunny Girl Rin's ability is one of the best in the game overall, but it is also very specific about what kinds of notes, enemies, and items need to be encountered in the level for it to activate. The way it works is Bunny Girl Rin can gain 200% extra score when she collects Red Hearts while at max HP and Blue Notes. Knocking back Ghosts, and dodging incoming barriers will also contribute to this added score.
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Therefore, she is very well suited to maps that are full of Ghosts and Blue Notes like Umpopoff, and when playing her, maps that don't contain any Red hearts like MiLk should be avoided entirely. It's no surprise that this variation of Rin is a character that can commonly be spotted at the top of the leaderboards since she is so popular among veterans of the game.
3 Joker Buro

- How to unlock: Collect eight balls by leveling up
Joker Buro is another character who can multiply their score through certain actions, but as opposed to Bunny Girl Rin who is only really viable on certain maps, Joker Buro can excel at any song she jumps into, with her ability granting a higher combo bonus so long as the combo reaches above 60/70 which will equate to x1.6 or x1.7 respectively.
Combo bonuses have a huge impact on the final score the player earns for a song, so while she definitely isn't going to be a character recommended for beginners who might still be getting to grips with the rhythm-based gameplay, she's one of the best when it comes to more experienced players looking to propel their stage score as high as it can possibly go.
2 Idol Buro

- How to unlock: Collect eight batteries by leveling up
Leveling up is incredibly important in Muse Dash since it is the primary method for acquiring items that are needed to unlock more characters and Elfins, and while the extra achievements can be an easy way to earn some extra EXP, the best way to go about earning as much of it as possible is simply by playing Idol Buro.
This pop-star version of the plucky pink-haired dancer earns 50% more EXP after completing a stage which makes reaching the higher levels, and netting as many rewards and items as possible, incredibly easy. She can take a good amount of time and luck to unlock, but she is without a doubt one of the very best characters in the game due to the enormous impact her ability has.
1 Little Devil Marija

- How to unlock: Collect eight eyeballs by leveling up
Possessing the most unique, but also the most dangerous ability in the game means that Little Devil Marija is frequently used by top-level players who are aiming to prove their skills on the leaderboards, but the catch is it will only take a few hits for her to go down due to her rapidly decreasing health.
Her ability allows Marija to achieve 25% more score when knocking back any type of enemy, and while this is a huge boost, especially on stages at level 7 and higher, the only issue is that she will lose 10 HP per second once she does. Players with some prior experience with each stage will be able to breeze through songs with her on easy difficulty with no problem, but it's the tougher stages where her risk-and-reward factor comes into play.
Muse Dash is available on Nintendo Switch, Android, iOS, PC, and Mac.
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